About the Project

BIObased REsidues Conversion to Advanced fuels for sustainable STeel production

BIObased REsidues Conversion to Advanced fuels for sustainable STeel production

About the Project

What is BioRECAST?

Research Fund for Coal and Steel co-funded BioRECAST proposes a “New and improved steelmaking technique”, reusing Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) waste-heat for the on-site conversion of residual biomass into biocoal and sustainable bioenergy, to be used as alternative sustainable fuels for steelmaking process, increasing the sustainability of EAF process.

BioRECAST Main Objective

Main objective of BioRECAST project is to foster the consumption of biowaste streams as renewable carbon and energy source for the steel sector and, at the same time, to valorise the waste heat of EAF steelmaking. The focus of BIORECAST is on demonstrating the reliability of using low cost and high availability feedstock and wasted heat to produce high value output like pyrogases and upgraded biocoal for the decarbonization of steel sector.  

BioRECAST Innovation

The project pathway towards the achievement of this goal is based on three innovative solutions:

  1. The production of biocoal from residual biomass streams of suitable quality to be used as coal substitute in EAF steelmaking processes;
  2. The valorisation of EAF hot flue gases to supply the thermal energy required for the pyrolysis process, enabling the use of the pyrolysis gases (Pyrogases) as renewable energy source in the steel sector.
  3.  Assessment of best available solution for pyrogas valorization in the steel making company.

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BIObased REsidues Conversion to Advanced fuels for sustainable STeel production

© WIP Munich 2025
This project has received funding from the European Union’s funding programme “The Research Fund for Coal and Steel” under grant agreement No 101112601. The information and views set out in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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